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iIs proud to announce
"Friendship 2001"
To be held in Friendship, Wisconsin.
Please join us for a full day of fun and activities in this serene little village!
Many activities and prizes are planned to make this an event to remember!
What a great way to have fun and meet your GWTA friends/family from all over the Midwest!
Saturday August 4th, 2001
Contact: Bruce Ward/608-754-3586
E-mail: Bruce Ward

Print this page, fill out this form and mail it to:
Ted Grindall
49 Stump Lake Road
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729

NAME _____________________________________________________________


CITY/STATE _______________________________________CHAPTER__________

NUBER OF ADULTS_____________________CHILDREN_____________________

Lodging and camping information is available and will be mailed upon receipt of the above
form. A $5.00 Rally donation per adult is requested. A playground is available for children


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